I cannot call myself a knower. I was a seeker and I'm a seeker to this day. But I no longer search in stars and books, because I'm starting to hear teachings in the flow of my own blood.
This website is all about one of my greatest passions, which is Science. My innate curiosity and unstoppable attempts to understand the Universe, and my broad spectrum of interests, brings me new interesting discoveries and observations all the time, which I'd like to share with you and the rest of the World. On this website you'll be able to get familiar with them.
Since people say that I have a gift of teaching knowledge in an understandable way and a talent of simplifying hard topics in a way that even a kid can understand, you could be sure that the knowledge I share in this website will be in most cases just like that: easy, light, pleasing and interesting :-)
(To be honest, it's even easier for me to teach about it all to plain "non-scientific" people that to long-standing scholars, because scholars have often their midns and views already set, and they change them rarely and with much of discomfort. They simply think that they are right and everyone else is wrong ;-P)
I'll be also describing here any curious scientific topics and ideas of other people, on which I stumbled upon during my research, as well as news from the scientific world, for example, the most recent discoveries.
You'll be able to find the most recent articles on my blog, as well as older archival texts.
I gathered lots of these ideas and discoveries for years. A book would be a good way to share them with you. Unfortunately, publishing a book is not that easy, especially in Poland where I live now. So I've decided to write a book online, piece by piece, just on your sight. Thanks to that you'd be able to comment and criticize it on the fly. I'm always open to your coments and criticism :-)
The goal of this website is to show people like you, that Science don't have to be hard or boring, and reserved only for egg-headed scientits with long beards - on the contrary! It could be a great fun full of passion, amazing experiences and exciting feelings when discovering the biggest secrets of the Universe we live in :-)
On this website I'll present lots of experiments, most of which you'll be able to conduce by yourself, with use of easily-obtainable materials. In this way I want to proove that to play Science you don't need a PhD and you rarely need an advanced laboratory stuffed with expensive hardware, or a 27-kilometers-long pipe worth billions of dolars buried under the ground. I'll show you that even quantum phenomena could be observable in a human scale, as people say: "on a kitchen table".
Nature doesn't hide its secrets from us. Everyone who just want to and look carefully enough, is able to perceive them and understand. Just a little bit of perceptiveness, imagination and asking the proper questions is enough ;-)
So I wish you good reading and a lot of fun as a discoverer! :-)
I recommend only the books I have read, and which I've found good and life-changing.